Friday, November 6, 2009

ford hood shooting...

I opened CNN this morning and I suddenly saw a mass murder known as 'ford hood shooting'.
This incident happened in November 5, 2009 at 1:30 pm....
Well,there are a total of 43 casualties....
With 12 being killed and 31 being wounded...

Well,I feel sorry for the people who are involved including the local police and civilians.
President Obama described this incident as "tragic" and "a horrific outburst of violence" in a press conference in Washington.....
Meaning that it was happened by surprised and terrifiedly.....
Anyone who were watching this news and want to know more information about it,google it in google news,watch it in Youtube,check in yahoo news and check in MSN news....

well,here are the remarks given by President Obama on Ford Hood Shooting......
watch it......and experience it.......

1 comment:

abdooss said...

It was done by an American soldier too! I heard he was upset that he will be send to Iraq.