Friday, December 4, 2009

Something caught my mind.Try to guess what is it.Don't have any idea what I'm thinking about,Well,it's the "Bermuda Triangle".This mysterious thing surprised me and my mind last year when my friend,Karttick told me to help him by doing some research about it.The "Bermuda Triangle" seems to attract my interest and attention about it.The moment I did the research,I was really shocked that the Bermuda Triangle and it is famously known as the devil's triangle is a strange and mysterious harmfull trap that some aircraft,ships and other air and water transportations mysteriously disappeared around this area located on the border of Miami,Florida and San Juan,Puerto Rico.

This weird thing confused and puzzled a majority of people living in this world.The myth of the Bermuda Triangle began on the 5th of December 1945.That's exactly 64 years since this mysterious stuffs exists.By the way,anyone of you want to know more about it,then this video will replenished and refresh your mind by watching it.

Don't be shy and don't hesitate to click and watch it.

By watching it,each and everyone of you will be surprised and shocked and maybe some of you might be excited and won't hesitate on doing some research about it.

P.S. and going to this website will surprise and confuse you with this mysterious thing known as "The Bermuda triangle".Don't forget to check it out.


abdooss said...

Bermuda Triangle is a hoax!

zahid said...

says who?.....why don't u do some research about it?.....